Hi, I'm Conrad


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Email security has never been more of a problem, so I attach a PGP (pretty good privacy) signed version of my business emails to most of my messages. You can verify that the message you received came from me, and rest easy knowing that our conversation is between us. 

Don't have the means to verify a message on your own? Thats OK, I recommend using Keybase:


Copy the entire contents of the attached / signed message. Press Verify. Got the message "Signed by conradselig"? You are good to go!

Want to verify the message yourself?

Public Key Fingerprint: 3D2F 0520 41EF F4E5 CB5A 6798 D673 2688 693D 57E9

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...or find my public key on one of the following PGP servers:

My Story

Event: 2010

"Hello World"

I grew up with a software engineer and when I got into the sixth grade, my father introduced me to the wonderful world of programming.
My first line of code was in BASIC, an incredibly simple language, but it was the first line of code on my programming journey.

Event: August 2017

South Dakota School of Mines & Technology

Just after high school graduation I started my first semester at SDSM&T. One of my first classes was a programming course, and it was the first step towards a seemingly endless pool of information.

Event: September 2018

Unmanned Aerial Systems

After only a month in college I wanted more, so I joined the Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) team.
Specializing in quadcopters, UAS introduced me to an entirely new world of software engineering. I learned many things, including linux, networking, computer vision, robot control, and more.

Job: May 2018 → August 2020

United States Department of Agriculture

I got an amazing internship the summer after my freshman year at the United States Department of Agriculture working on the Animal Disease Spread Model (ADSM). ADSM simulates agricultural disease spread and can help government decision makers prepare for large-spread disease on American soil.
Initially, I was in charge of a number of front-end user enhancements. After my first summer, I continued work for them while at school before going back to work at the USDA for a second summer after my sophmore year. I have moved on to more ambitious portions of the project. This includes database administration, result exporting, and more.

Job: September 2019 → December 2019

NASA Research

I joined a small team at my university working with NASA to reach out to local high schools and introduce the students to programming. As the only software engineer on the team, it was my job to ensure that we could compile a lesson plan that would not only be comprehensive but cool for highschoolers.

Job: January 2020 → May 2020

SDSM&T Teaching Assistant

The Computer Science and Engineering department at my university hired me as a Teaching Assistant for CSC 170, a course that teaches non-computer scientists basic programming. This course covers C, Raspberry Pi control, basic circuitry, and more.

Job: September 2019 → December 2019

Liv Hospitality

I started as a contractor and was given a seemingly impossible task - save and sync reports to the cloud from a hotel front-of-house (FOH) system with no way to directly interact with the system itself. As the only individual working on this project, I had full autonomy in deciding program architecture, programming standards, documentation level, and more. I started on a program that would be able to intelligently find pre-identified buttons by only looking at screen captures in order to extract the data from the FOH system before doing my own post-processing.

Job: April 2021 → April, 2024

LinkTech Services

My work with Liv Hospitality gave me an introduction to their IT company Linktech, who where impressed with my work. They hired me on as one of their technicians, and due to the small size of the team I've gotten the opportunity to work on all aspects of system and network administration. Windows and Linux servers, surveillance, phones, point of sale, property management systems, managed networking, endpoint security, backups, and much much more.

Job: April 2024 → Today

Liv Hospitality

After three years with Linktech, I shifted gears again and headed back to Liv Hospitality. Currently, I'm working as a data analyst crunching numbers from across the entire company. Revenue Management, Casino Tracking, Marketing Performance, and more - no numbers are safe from my scrutinizing glare.


Who Knows?

Whatever it is, it will be cool. Stay tuned!

My Experience

I've been at it for awhile, so what exactly do I know? Here are some of the highlights:

Languages Frameworks and Software Other
PythonMicrosoft / Libre OfficeGit
C / C++AutoITDebian Linux Distributions
HTML / CSS / JavascriptDjango

Curious for more information? Send me an email, or give me a call! I would love to chat.

(605) 519 - 8011


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